Will's Schedule

The wait for our realism artist, Will, is about two months for weekdays and four months for weekends. Given several breakthroughs in his artwork and upcoming events planned, we do not expect this wait time to diminish. In fact, due to scheduled travel involving guest spots and conventions, we expect that the wait will be closer to three months for weekdays by the end of September. It is for this reason that we highly recommend that anyone who would like to get tattooed by Will set an appointment sooner than later, to avoid protracted wait times. We appreciate your patience in this matter.

Will does a single tattoo per day, charging a flat rate of $600. While he can and does tattoo every style, he gives priority to realism- both black and grey and color. Previous clients and potential clients seeking large, multi-session pieces, such as sleeves or backpieces will be given precedence. He takes a $100, non-refundable deposit that is deducted from the cost of the tattoo in order to set an appointment. Will is currently working seven days per week in order to prevent him from booking out more than three months, but at the current rate and given his upcoming travel schedule, we expect him to be booking for January by the end of September. After that we start booking for the upcoming tax refund season, during which Will is still going to be travelling so you can imagine the kind of delay procrastinators will face.

Two years ago Will was booking out 5 months in advance. He increased his prices to curb demand and increased his workload to 7 days per week, only taking days off when the inevitable last minute cancellation occurs from time to time or for family obligations. He elected not to take a vacation this year and cut his convention schedule, freeing up a total of about 40 appointments.

We share this with you for the sake of full disclosure, as many times people will visit Cardinal Tattoo in order to get tattooed by Will, only to find out they have to wait weeks, if not months to get an appointment. Will has also made some impressive progress over the last few months, working intensely to improve his skill set, the results of which we will be sharing with you here immediately following the Full Moon Tattoo and Horror Festival this Oct. 19th-21st in Nashville! Stay Tuned to Cardinaltattoo.com for more!