Cardinal Tattoo Customer Appreciation!

It’s no big secret that the artists at Cardinal Tattoo love their customers. We understand that nothing we do here would be possible without them. The requests and trust placed on us as artists serve to drive us, to challenge us, and give us an outlet in an art form we adore. it would be difficult to find another occupation and lifestyle that so closely integrates the artist and their canvas.

It is with this in mind that Cardinal Tattoo has begun a new program designed to give back to the people who mean so much to us: our clients. Every month, Cardinal Tattoo will hold a drawing to win tickets to a show, whether it be music, a play, monster trucks, or some other entertainment venue, if you have been tattooed at Cardinal Tattoo in the last month, you have been entered in the drawing! Our first winners were drawn earlier this month: Jessica Ashley and Tasha Turner will be joining a couple of our artists to see their old favorites Dave Matthews Band. Of course we called and made sure they were fans, we wouldn’t want to drag someone to a show they didn’t want to see!

We hope this, coupled with the free tattoos that Will does each month simply for the love of the art, will serve as a small token of appreciation for our dedicated clientele. We love you and we know none of this would be possible without you. You’re the best!