No Rebel Flags
Since opening, Cardinal Tattoo has had a 'no hate' policy with regard to the tattoo work that we provide. No Swastikas or hate speech, no gang tattoos, we won't even do your girl or boyfriend's name, it's just not a good idea.
The Confederate battle flag means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. While we recognize that not everyone who flies the flag is a racist we also see the writing on the wall. White supremacists have used this symbol since it's inception and the numbers of those who would defend its meaning now are in steep decline. The meanings of symbols change and out of a sense of responsibility to our younger customers who may not fully understand yet the impact of their decisions, but to those who are professed white supremacists, let us be very clear: Cardinal Tattoo will not do Confederate Battle Flag tattoos.
We do not support hate speech, and this flag has become that. Failure to admit when the meaning of a symbol has changed is folly. If this upsets you we ask that you reconsider your position on the matter and that if your mind isn't changed that you go somewhere else.
With love, Cardinal Tattoo.